
Ironwood sweet dreams x. by Henning

The trees here have an ashen grey colour, and the bark is impossible to as much as scratch. The thick seeds that grow in the boughs open and fall when the burns sweep through, but these trees always seem to stand tall.

Imani's Hollow AW || dust bowl by Cliff

In the near-center of the slopes, is a small ring of trees that opens up into a clearing. This area usually remains unscatched by fire, miraculously. Many herbs and grasses grow here, and the air smells like flowers.

The Char No recent posts.

On the fringes of the slopes, things never quite grow back. Blackened stumps and dead things twist the edges of the low forest, and the ground is thick with ash and charcoal-like soil. The air here smells burnt and smoky, and on windy days it can get difficult to breathe here.

The Slopes

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