Pride Creation.
Solui started off with three prides, and that's probably how it's going to stay for a while. The total max we allow is 6 prides as Solui could not possibly sustain any more than that. Creating a pride takes a lot of hard work and dedication, as does maintaining it. If you've decided to try and make a pride, we've outlined exactly how to do that here.

First off, a character must have made at least 100 posts before being able to create a pride. By this point your character probably has a good idea of Solui's layout, customs and the prides that already exist, which an emperor/empress will need to compete against the already established prides. Secondly, a character needs to have at least 8 other lions that wish to join - a pride cannot be a pride if it doesn't have any members. You must have a completed thread with each lion where they agree to help you make your pride (or have them all in one thread if you can manage). Thirdly, you must have bought the pride creation item from the Site Store.

Pride Name: Make sure the contraction isn't the same as existing groups.
Emperor/Empress: Character Name
Members: Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name
Thread/s of Support: Link/s to the threads in which the potential pridemates agreed to join the pride
Territory: Pick a neutral territory for the pride's base camp. Must be somewhere that could support a pride.
Pride Description: A brief description of your pride. See the established prides' pages for an example.
Pride Colour: Hex code of a colour to represent your pride. Nothing neon please.

You will be notified if your pride was approved or not. Be aware that staff may not approve your pride if it is thought that there are too many prides, even if the pride max hasn't been met.

Once your pride has been approved, you can make a thread officially declaring the establishment of the pride. You will get a board dedicated to your pride, the rank Emperor/Empress and a Pride page for you to access. As the ruler of your pride, you must keep the page updated. This is a mandatory responsibility for all leaders of the prides.

Pride Customs and Laws.
When a pride doesn't have a leader, the pride is in a disbanded status. Any male above 2 years of age can claim an abandoned pride. Females can only challenge for an established pride, because the fight is ultimately a proving ground and show of strength. In Solui culture, Lionesses aren't expected to be primary leaders by default, but there is still opportunity. Custom-made prides are not restricted by gender, but may be in the future if ever disbanded.

If a pride claim is contested, a normal fight happens and the winner will take the pride. The winner has the option to take the loser as a prisoner of the pride, if so wished. This is also an option for normal pride challenges.